Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday? I Feel Nothing About It

Moan/Mourn-Day (read: Monday)

The Beginning

Monday is the first day of the week, yet so many people do not feel happy about it. Twitter, Facebook, Path, and other social media have been showing us how society hates Monday and how they suffer from it. I don't know why everyone is acting up like that. Is it because we are still keen on having the fun from Sunday and we merely don't want to end it? Or is it just an Urban Pandemic and everyone is being infected? To me, everyday is just the same. The only difference is the label  - nothing more. Misery does not always happen at the beginning of the week. It could happen on the happiest day of the week a.k.a Hump Day or maybe its within you. No one can really tell.

Mariah Carey in Hero

M.I.N.E (Monday Is Never Exciting)

Speaking of Monday, mine is so-so. I jut got back here after spending my 3 months in another branch - and I'm so attached to them already - the place, the people, the food, and everything. I feel empty at the moment, I have nobody to talk to, the ambiance that used to be so homey is now dark, full of anger, and negativity is all around. The only thing I could do now is listen to Mariah Carey's songs - any song of her will work. However, Hero & Through the Rain are two songs that always work the most.  It's like when she hits rock bottom, instead of drowning herself in sorrow, she smokes them out - she's such an incredible inspiration! Love her - always.

Mariah Carey in Through the Rain

Lunchy at Work

It's almost lunch hour, I brought rice from home, and for the viand is Chicken Karage and Miso Soup form Yoshinoya - I could eat it every single day. In 8 minutes I'm going to start digging up my mouth- lingering-food. One slice of Chocolate Pudding after lunch or one small cup of Orange Jelly with Fresh Orange on top of it? I'm in a quandary for sure. Done with lunch and my tummy has no more room even for dessert - I'd buy it later around 3 pm for snack. I have nothing to do at work and it sucks big time. The thoughts of my friends are doing something that keep them occupied is stressing me out - training overseas, networking lunch, meeting up with socialite for afternoon snack-break, and etc.

White Mercedez Benz C-Class 

Rain, Cloud, Rainbow, and Fairy Dust

Every cloud has a silver lining and in my case, I have plenty of time to write a blog and search for better paying jobs online. I went to several interviews but unfortunately they didn't call me back after the second interview - sigh... Honestly, I got a call from a company which I don't want to work for and I haven't gotten any single call from the ones I'm dying to work with. I guess it's just a matter of time and I'll let the universe decide for me. I will just remain calm, wait, and hope that I would not only get the job but I'd  also get  a special person who rides a white Mercedez Benz C-Class to be my play mate in bed.
Desire Fragrance by D&G

Aggregation Pheromones

A Fancy car is not the only thing to that we should be concerned about in picking up a perfect partner in bed,  we also gotta trust "The Power of Smell". Sexual chemistry is not always based on similarity on personal traits, it's way more than just a heated attraction. I read an article online in - scents and sensibility is the subject matter.  "When you're turned on by your partner's scent, taking a deep whiff of his chest or the back of her neck feels like taking a powerful drug—it's an instant flume ride to bliss, however momentary" - that's what the article called as "The Scent of Desire".

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